====== 2014-10-15 - Meeting notes ====== Participants: * Laurent Claude (Project Leader) * Matthieu Hazon (Developer) * Diana IBANESCU (Developer) Agenda: * Project status ===== Minutes ===== * Conf to [[http://2014.capitoledulibre.org/schedule/presentation/37/|"Capitole du libre"]] (CdL) is scheduled to Saturday, November 15 at 16:00 * we will be there all three :-D * Still awaiting publication on major blogs, we have in contact: * le service informatique de l'académie du rhône * l'[[http://www.anlci.gouv.fr/|agence national de lutte contre l'illettrisme]] * le [[http://c-rnt.apf.asso.fr/|centre d'expertise et de ressources nouvelles technologie et communication]] de [[http://www.apf.asso.fr/|l'APF]] (they will test M2V and write an article tripartite (tester, user and us)) * The bug tracker is clean. See it for todo list * Initial review of the presentation for the CdL * The wish to study the feasibility of publishing a beta 2 version before the CdL \\ ===== Next Meeting ===== * 2014-10-29 * a point on the tasks for beta 2 * preparation of the conference to CdL