====== 2017-05-31 - Meeting notes ====== ==== Participants ==== * Laurent CLAUDE (Project's holder) * Matthieu HAZON (Developer) * Diana IBANESCU (Developer) * Jonathan MERCIER-GANADY (Developer) ==== Agenda ==== * Tuleap * Team of testers * Binary delivery method * Trojitá * Hackathon * VMime * Milestone V0.3 * Mailing-list * RMLL ==== Minutes ==== * Tuleap * Laurent has worked to validate a backup and restoration solution, so there is 3 scenarios : * A full installation on a Centos server with a full backup: * it's trivial to install * but it's almost impossible to restore easily a backup on a new server, and is not documented/recommended by the tuleap support * So our solution isn't here * A full installation on a Centos server with an project export * Laurent have to work on it * A docker install * It's the recommended solution by Tuleap * Nobody knows docker in the M2V team * Laurent will explore this technology * Matthieu will ask help and docs to a friend * Team of testers: a team is being formed * We already have 2 persons: * one is a dyslexia disorders specialist * one is a specialist in compensation technologies on a wide range of disabilities * Laurent is waiting for an answer of a person who is in contact with persons with motor, cognitive and illiteracy disabilities * Laurent will contact: * an occupational therapist from an association providing counseling and training for senior citizens or persons with disabilities on new technologies * A school teacher specialized in the accompaniment of students suffering from disorders dys * Binary delivery method * The provision of binaries will be automatable via Jenkins * It'll serve our future testers easily * Trojitá * Matthieu sent us a complete message on the ML, please to read it * We decided to evaluate this solution because it's more global for our needs * Jonathan is Ok to work with Matthieu on this eval * Hackathon * It'll be Saturday 10 June * VMime * We decided to pause the work on VMime because of the work on Trojitá * so the merge request in pending * Milestone V0.3 * please to refer to the pad * because of Trojitá work: * VMine work is paused * DB work is paused * Mailing-list * Matthieu have pb with our actually ML * We decided to test Framaliste, and perhaps to switch on * https://framalistes.org/sympa/info/mail2voice * RMLL * The program will be published this week, our conf seems to be planed for Monday 3 July at 12:00 ==== Next Meetings ==== * Hackathon: 2017-06-10 * Next Meeting: 2017-06-14