Table of Contents

At this meeting 2016-05-25 - Meeting notes we received Daniel GIRARD who described us the dyslexia.

Daniel is a specialist of digital solutions designed to compensate “dys”-type problems. He worked for example on Dysvocal software ( and on a USB key called usb-dys ( He also conducts training in that field. Daniel exposed to us issues and needs of affected people and possible solutions, notably for Mail2Voice. We then had a discussion. Here is a synthesis of the overall discussion.

What is dyslexia?

Dyslexia (, is a reading problem. It appears at the first stages of reading learning. It is potentially hereditary. It's a neuro-developmental issue appearing right away in the child development. This issue is generally diagnosed in primary school during reading learning and causes scholar difficulties frequently. About 10% of the population is affected.

To understand what this problem is, we must define how reading process operates normally: First, a visual function takes action. It aims to recognize graphs. It is then linked to a lexicon (dictonnary of known words and syllabs) in order to establish a link between graphs seen and known words/syllabs. From this appears the mental composition of words, phrases and the resulting comprehension. In a dyslexiaon situation, the link between what is seen and the lexicon doesn't work properly. It exist different levels of this problem. However, an affected person has a lexicon so oral communication works perfectly.

There are different categories of “dys”-type problems : visuo-spatial dyspraxia, dys-calculus, etc.

Digital solutions for compensation

As a first note, it's important to know that currently no OS-wide solution exist in mainstream OSes.

Reading compensation

Text to speech (TTS)

Text is read by software such the text is understood orally or verbally. This is the best solution.

One must be able to :

Text display modifications

visual markers

Writing compensation

Other solutions

Beyond these functions designed specifically for dyslexia, we also discussed about:

AccessiDys makes documents, books and web pages easier to read. It’s aimed at people with disabilities or anyone who has difficulty reading long or complex documents. It provide fine tune for personal reader profiles. AccessiDys is a free software package distributed under the Affero General Public License (AGPL) version 3.0.